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Why Join AAIV?

Join the American Association of Industry Veterinarians (AAIV) to grow your career, build your professional network, and help advance the professional standards and
development of veterinarians engaged in industry.  

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AAIV Member Benefits

  • Networking opportunities for mentorship, advice and career advancement
  • Access to compensation surveys, which contain salary, benefits and satisfaction level of veterinarians working in industry
  • Industry focused webinars on topics relevant to you and the business of veterinary medicine
  • Opportunities to serve on AVMA councils, committee and task forces so that you can participate in the projects that are most important to you
  • Representation on the AVMA House of Delegates for industry veterinarians’ unique professional interests

Member Categories

There are two active, voting membership categories:

AAIV Member: For all veterinarians. Annual dues are $110.
LifeTime Member: For all AAIV members who have retired. There is no charge to be a lifetime member. If you are a current or former AAIV member who has retired, please contact us at for more information on how to become a lifetime member. 

There is one active, non-voting membership category:

Student: For veterinary students studying at an accredited veterinary college. Annual dues are $20.


Contact us at or 913-307-7356 to learn more about AAIV membership.